
eXam F|n``` ^_^

exam fin luu...
tiz iz a pic tat i found in google picture...
tiz iz da pic tat i tk aft returning home...
iz da things tat i most hate
it wil make me2 bcom gila person
at 11th of nov,
i wil hav a exam type d exam in JSPO
which iz blow in front of all JSPO ppl....
i think...
if i blow nt gud or bad...
sure wil veli paise de....
wat a bad exam coming...
hope it can all da best lar...

exam fin r hapi..
bt receiving exam marks wil more sad
coz scare bout da marks
especially iz add math & sej
it's so hard
hard til can go jump da Sri Rambai's river ler..


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