

u noe wat's tiz uniform???
act i lend from wei jia d...
n tk a self-foto
coz i fl laz year ler..
din wear & tk a foto cnt lar...

[my hair stil in a wet condition  lol]
it's ok. ^^
coz im ctn to tk foto...
[tking v my best buddy~~ yeeling~~]
laugh laugh & tk pic 2gather...
[tiz iz da oni pic i tk aft take away da vest]
& ctn...
mei chuin iz coming ...
[coming out from bathroom]
wat a kisiao d hair..
stil gt 1...
coming up next...
iz ee teng....
~~~teng teng teng teng~~~
[a cute cute pose make me cun control myself to help her tk foto]
aft that...
i tk a foto again.
v ntg on my shirt

[teng v me]
coming down...
we owez tk foto...
& foto...
[me & yee ling]
[me & melina]
owez so cool de...

[jiz zhuang v me]
v a cute pose...
[shi harn]
an angle of our JSPO..
beau rite? oso veli white... 
[teng teng again]
[helping frenz tking foto d ee teng]
[taken by teng of her's husband fone]
& many of us....
v having "dai bo"
c our "big bola"
[a cute pose by jia ying]
[tking foto v jia ying]

aft tiz...
we gonna tk our things outside....
my part...
which iz saxophone...
put our things at lower...
& them..
say wanna tk single pic...
[omg, so ugly d me]
[& v a weird weird pose]
ctn sure iz tk pic again lar...
[v yu xuan]
a beau girlz..
[v gyan]
funny funny d...

[v karven]
a lenglui in Jit Sin...
o yeah...
[v yun jia.. ]
a person owez laugh v me 2gather while practice-ing
[xin man]
a gud & hear wat im saying owez d girl...
[xin di]
oso gt hear wat im saying owez...

aft tiz...
we change da meet place....
coz lower iz too small for us...
so we change to centre...

& sure ctn to tk foto again
[v yen sheng]
a gud person & owez help me in saxophone...
[v xue bing]
cute rite him? bt he sometimes wil do some action which dono wan make me angry or laugh him...
[qi huan]
less speaking d person...
bt aft tiz few months, he is talking more & more...
a saxophone family....
hapi hapi...
coz can tk foto 2gather...
[tiz act iz tking v whole part d, bt dono y focus me...]
so paise...

bout 3.30pm...
bus oni come...
then we up to bus...
[tiz iz me]
i think iz so so so ugly...
[me walking da whole bus]
i wanna giv them chocolate...

of course...
at bus...
oso non-stop tking foto...
juz fl lk whole day im taking foto..
while they taking foto, i rush in & tk v them 2gather...
[say gud to chocolate... nyummy!!]
[she's green bean]
tking foto v her...
more a while...
i go get rubbish from everybody ...
c ??
tiz iz da results...

aft tiz...
i reali gt bit no energy ler....
so wanna go rest ler...
abo ltr wanna comp no energy...


skip skip skip...
we on da stage...
gonna tk comp ler...

everybody blow v all their  full heart...
& hope can do all da best..
& get da champion of champion...
[is tat grand?]
to me...
i veli veli love tiz foto...
coz it's beautiful...
& oso memorable to me...

aft fin our blowing on da stage....
all of us r hapi...
coz we had enjoy our stage...
& oso our songs...

& nw...
we watching other team comp....
dono til bout wat time...
we tk a break...
to having our dinner...
aft dinner, 
i tk foto again...
v our conductor...
low joo yin..
taking foto v da lamp
& doing a weird post...
lol + XDD

[v xin di  & dono wat post im doing...   lol]
[v jia ying]
& saxophone tk pic again...
aft tiz & eating dinner...
me go in ler lu.
sit there waiting da comp start...

hear many many skul's music...
fl lk they're so geng...
bt we scare da most is Penang Chong Ling
especiallly waiting da results...
al of us r so scare....
so scare...
there r 5 teams take gold..
gt Penang Chong Ling, Penang Girls School, St George, SMJK Jit Sin & more..
these 5 school oni gt 1 can get 荣誉金牌...
oso iz gold of da gold...
oso means champion of Imdoor Competition 2010.... ^^
al of us r scare....
til they say..
da winner iz....
S............M..................JK Jit Sin....
scream scream scream....
scream so highest pitch...
al of da A Teams members are veli hapi...
most form 5 r cried...
we're reali veli hapi...
coz al of us tod da prize is Chong Ling d...
bt nt...
nw iz reali our's prize....
screaming & screaming....
we oso sing our school's songs...
sing-ing loudly....
after sing-ing...
we shout...
shout tat 
thkz you teacher....
thkz 教练...
thkz 团友...

hapi hapi hapi...
so many comp i had tk part...
although tiz iz juz indoor,
owez prac in an air-corn room...
we reali prac hard....
i fl tiz iz da most i prac in my whole lifes in JSPO
our dreams come true... 

taking da prize to take picture
taking pic v pei yee..
 taking pic v chin liang...

aft screaming whole nitez...
we oso bac to school v bus
tiz iz taken on da bus...
smile smile & hapi hapi...
taking pic v kai yuan
takign pic v alice...
a person hu out花式操 n i teach her....

tiz iz d end of whole day story...

