
at laz... is a gud ending to me...

kinda long time din updated ler...
act wanna update d..
bt too busy...

when start lei?
k lar..
start from da mid-year test talk lar...

me & him...
less sms...
less talking...
all bcoz of exam...
aft exam... 
our situation oso da same..
did nt change...

til 9/7/10 is da worst...
stil rmb tat day...
i ask him 2 qt..

im so 后悔 asking him tiz 2 qt...
bcoz tiz 2 qt..
we chat many many things..
including da probs between us, fling to each other...
tat nitez d 12am
he say he fl we nt suitable b 2gather again...
he say wan2 break....

wat's tiz happen to me?
y we have to break?

at tiz moments,
i realise da "break" fling
it's so bad so bad..
wanna tel any of my frenz?
i fl so shy...
everybody say tat me & him wil til ever...
everything iz nt as wat my frenz wish me..

when i c da msg
i cun stop my tears...
so bad, tat time my sis stil around me...
make me hav2 control my tears so difficult..

oso a bad thing to me, tat iz da next day im gonna go to genting
da date go to genting (10/7/10)...
genting iz a place let us relax, let us hapi...
tiz time i go genting, i din have any happy fling ..
juz hav a sad fling which anybody oso cun tel...
i have to keep im normal..
stil owez da me...
tat time, i fl im so 辛苦 no matter in wat situation...
wan cry bt cun cry..
wan say out bt cun say out...
so 辛苦...

til im come back...
i cal my frenz in money to me...
all iz bcoz of tiz 感情..
i fone to him at da nitez...
we chat...
i oso asked him many many qt...
& oso cry 2gather in da fone...
[tiz let me waste my money so much, coz we stop veli long while cry-in]

stil gud...
i gt fone to him tat nitez...
we bac 2gather as our relationship of gf & bf

"分手" 这两个字太残酷了。。

bt nw..
 im don hav tiz fling...
tiz iz me...
hapi hapi d me...

hapi iz a gud thing for me..
i hope i can owez b hapi..
no matter wat year wat day date wat day wat time or wat second...
i juz noe i start love to smile..
starting to love him more..
starting to love my family more
& oso loving me frenz more...

stil gud everything can end b4 exam...
although i die in tiz exam...
bt i hope i can gt a better results in da next trial exam...


to all my frenz :
add oil yar in da next exam..
& anybody which c tiz post...
i hope u all don asked anything in front of me..
coz i reali fl tiz iz a shame thing to me..
hope u al can understand my feeling n don ask oso don tel anybody...
thkz to all of u, my frenz..

iz a place i wanna say out my flings...
my things..
mb u al wil weird y i din tel u al anything..
bt i hope u al cn respect me & oso my fling
coz i have my own reasons...
hope u al cn cooperate

writen by.

